Monday, October 3, 2011

Add New Package source to NuGet Package Manager.

NuGet has surely reduced the maintaining the library package to some extent, we are using NuGet package manager quite often in our project. Recently I Needed a package which is not part of the NuGet Official package source. After a small research I found the solution and its been already published in many blogs in the internet.

Still sharing it, by default we have “” as a default NuGet Official package source. If you want to add additional repository you can always add it by adding more source in Package Sources, user can find this on Visual Studio 2010->Tools->Options-> Package Manager tab.


Above we have the option page where additional source can be added, just add a name and source url where the nuget package is published for a particular library.

Now you go to your project and right click on project reference and select manage nuget package, and a package manager will popup.

imageIn the above window you can see that I have added First Floor Software package as additional source.

Its truly a nice feature and making the management of software library a piece of cake.

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