In one of our application we had to make sure that whether client have excel installed or not. We tried few codes and have some experience while resolving the solution. Bello the solution code is given to detect if client have excel 2007 installed or not.
The bellow code works fine. But it fails one single time. If the user installed excel but never run it. The registry keys are not built until the user run excel for the first time. so we had to change our message to inform user as “You don’t have excel or you didn’t run it after install, if you have install please run it for the first time and try again” some thing like this.
private static bool IsExcelPresent()
var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Office");
string[] subKeyNames = key.GetSubKeyNames();
var excelKey = key.OpenSubKey("12.0\\Excel\\");
if(excelKey!=null) return true;
return false;
return false;
Eventually we got rid of the obstacle and found a very interesting component called SpreadsheetGear and used that component. we bypassed all the excel requirement using this component.
There are some more solutions on the web to you guys can also try those. Bellow a yet another code sample is given.
private static bool IsExcelPresent()
Type officeType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application");
return officeType != null;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
Another code sample to detect excel which using registry key search
private static bool IsExcelPresent()
RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot;
RegistryKey excelKey = key.OpenSubKey("Excel.Application");
bool excelInstalled = excelKey == null ? false : true;
return excelInstalled;